大阪歯科大学 教員情報      

発表言語 英語 
発表タイトル Effects of experimental alloys containing indium for dental use in vitro embryotoxicity test 
学会名 6th World Congress on Alternatives & Animal Use in the Life Sciences 
発表形式 抄録のみ 
発表者・共同発表者 Imai K, Nakamura M 
発表年月 2008/03/31 
開催地 東京、日本 
学会抄録 「AATEX」 14(Special Issue):655-658 
概要 The purpose of this study was carried out by the embryotoxicity risk assessment of the dental alloys containing indium. We produced Ag-In alloy, Ag-Pd-Au-Cu alloy and gold alloy for porcelain bonding. For the extraction of these alloy components into the ES-D3 cell culture medium, each alloy was reduced to a powder using a diamond point and sterilized after rinsing. In order to facilitate the extraction, each alloy powder was subjected to extraction together with diamond powder using a rotary stirrer. Two-fold diluted test medium was used to estimate the presence of embryotoxicity from the differentiation rate of EBs in the extract. Our test results this time suggest that 35Ag-30Pd-20Au-15Cu alloys and gold alloys for porcelain bonding involve virtually no embryotoxicity risk. On the other hand, the alloy of silver and 20% indium may require further examination.