大阪歯科大学 教員情報      

発表言語 日本語 
発表タイトル The comparison of porous materials to three-dimensional tissue culture in capillary formation in vitro 
学会名 第57回歯科基礎医学会学術大会 
発表形式 ポスター掲示 
発表者・共同発表者 岡村 友玄, 西川 哲成, 和唐 雅博, 富永 和也, 今井 弘一, 田中 昭男 
発表年月 2015/09/13 
開催地 新潟県新潟市 
概要 Angiogenesis is the phenomenon in which the new blood vessels are formed from the pre-existing ones. This is an important factor in tissue engineering. Transplanting tissue-engineered vascular graft (TEVG) into the host for healing organ or tissue defect at its early stage has drawn attention. Three-dimensional cultured capillary needs a scaffold for which to grow into transplantable size. In this study, we used three kinds of porous materials having a rough surface structure as a scaffold. Comparing the formation of capillaries in vitro, we examined the properties of the scaffold. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDF) were co-cultivated. These were cultured for 14, 21, and 28 days. All three materials were added on to the cultured tissue. The absorbance of formazan production was observed to determine the living cells. Capillary formation was observed with immunohistochemistry and confocal laser scanning microscopy. The images of capillaries were processed three-dimensionally. Many living cells were observed around all three kinds materials. The cell proliferation and capillary formation in both coral and ceramic bone addition group were larger than pumice addition group. Application of coral and ceramic bone as porous material scaffold was helpful for angiogenesis of capillary in three-dimensional co-culture of HUVEC and NHDF.