大阪歯科大学 教員情報      

論文種別 原著 
記述言語 英文 
表題 In vitro new capillary formation with eight metal ions of dental biomaterials 
掲載誌名 Journal of Oral Tissue Engineering  (ISSN:13489623/18800823)
巻(号):頁 8(1):74-79
著者・共著者名 Imai K, Nishikawa T, Tanaka A, Suese K, Takashima H, Takeda S 
発行年月 2010/09 
概要 We evaluated the influences of the component ions (Ag, Au, Cu, In, Ni, Pd, Ti, and Zn) of dental alloys on the in vitro capillary formation of new blood vessels using a human angiogenesis kit (Kurabo). The percent area of new capillary in the presence of Zn ions was the highest, being 106.1% of that in the control group. The percent area decreased in the order of Ag, In, Ti, Ni, Cu, Pd, Au and Zn ions. The new capillary length was also the greatest for Zn ions and the smallest for Ag ions, but the order of the other types of metal ions differed from that of the percent area. Based on these results, if the release of a small amount of Zn ions can be controlled, the active rate of capillary formation may increase, resulting in earlier tissue regeneration.