大阪歯科大学 教員情報      

  マルヤマ ユウゴウ
  円山 由郷   歯学部 歯学科   助教
■ 最終学歴・学位
1. 京都大学大学院 生命科学研究科 博士課程単位取得満期退学
2. 京都大学大学院 博士(生命科学)
■ 著書
1. Scanning probe microscopy in nanoscience and nanotechnology  2010/04
2. Bacterial Chromatin. Methods in Molecular Biology  2024/07
3. Prokaryotic Gene Regulation  2022/08
4. DNA Traffic in the Environment  2019/02
5. Methods in Molecular Biology. Bacterial Chromatin; methods and protocols.  2018/08
6. 環境と微生物の事典  2014/07
7. 環境と微生物の事典  2014/07
8. Atomic Force Microscopy in Nanobiology  2014/05
9. Pathogenesis and Treatment of Periodontitis  2012/01
■ 学術研究論文
1. Histone and TK0471/TrmBL2 form a novel heterogeneous genome architecture in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis.  2011/02
2. Uncoupling of longevity and telomere length in C. elegans .  2005/09
3. Molecular mechanisms of DNA end-loop formation by TRF2.   2004/03
4. Chromatin reconstitution: development of a salt-dialysis method monitored by nano-technology.  2002/12
5. Single-Molecule/Cell Analyses Reveal Principles of Genome-Folding Mechanisms in the Three Domains of Life  2021/12
6. Inter-site and interpersonal diversity of salivary and tongue microbiomes, and the effect of oral care tablets  2021/04
7. Species-specific growth inhibitory effect of propolis  2021/04
8. Influence of tongue brushing on oral microbiome diversity  2020/10
9. Amplicon sequence variant­-based oral microbiome analysis using QIIME 2  2020/10
10. Impact of a web­-based review quiz on the learning outcomes of dental hygiene students in Japan  2020/10
■ 学会発表
1. The roles of TrmBL2 protein on chromosome architecture and protection in Thermococcus kodakarensis.(ポスター,一般)  2017/07/25
2. The Roles of TrmBL2 protein on Chromosome Architecture and Protection in Thermococcus kodakarensis.(ポスター,一般)  2016/09/14
3. The role of Histone and TrmB-like 2 (TrmBL2) in chromosome organization of
Thermococcus kodakarensis(ポスター,一般)  2015/07/26
4. The role of Histone and TrmB-like proteins in chromosome organization of Thermococcus kodakarensis(ポスター,一般)  2014/09/10
5. An alternative beads-on-a-string choromatin particle architecture in archaeal cells(口頭発表,一般)  2012/08/24
6. TrmB-like proteins contribute to the heterogeneous organization of archaeal chromosomes(ポスター,一般)  2011/09/06