大阪歯科大学 教員情報      

  ウチハシ ケンジ
  内橋 賢二   歯学部 歯学科   准教授
■ 最終学歴・学位
1. 大阪歯科大学 歯学部 卒業
2. 大阪歯科大学 歯学博士
■ 著書
1. 歯科衛生士テキスト 生理学.  2009/01
■ 学術研究論文
1. Changes in immunoglobulin A secretion by sympathetic and taste stimulation in the rat submandibular gland.  2015/10
2. Antimicrobial protein secretion in the rat submandibular gland induced by aroma inhalation  2005/10
3. Intraductal injection of botulinum toxin induces functional changes in rat submandibular gland cells.
4. Effects of premedication on salivary secretion in the rat submandibular gland.  2009/04
5. Effects of C-reactive protein on CC chemokine receptor 2-mediated chemotaxis of monocytes.  2012/01
6. Matrix metalloproteinase 1 produced by CXCL12 stimulation on NK92 cells.  2009/10
7. Functional properties of nociceptive neurons responsive to dorsal neck muscle stimulation  2008/10
■ 学会発表
1. Antimicrobial substance secretion induced by taste stimulation during aroma inhaling(ポスター,一般)  2016/09/22
2. Salivary alpha-amylase as a biomarker of positions and occlusal state.(ポスター,一般)  2014/05/16
3. Aroma therapy while a sleep enhance the salivary antibacterial activity.(ポスター,一般)  2014/09/12
4. Changes in salivary stress markers under experimental xerostomia.(ポスター,一般)  2013/07/26
5. Salivary alpha-amylase activity as a biomarker of occlusal states.(ポスター,一般)  2013/08/22
6. Intraductal injection of botulinum toxin induces functional changes in rat submandibular gland cells.(ポスター)  2010/05/20
7. Botulinum toxin influences on nNOS in the rat submandibular gland.(ポスター,一般)  2010/07/16
8. Salivary damage on xerostomia in rat salivary gland.(ポスター,一般)  2009/07/31
9. Salivary damage caused by xerostomia in rat salivary gland.(ポスター,一般)  2009/04/02
10. Botulinum toxin induces functional changes in rat submandibular gland cells.(ポスター,一般)  2010/03/04